
Friday, August 30, 2013

The trouble with Australian politics. Warning! Government: Handle with care.

Am I biased against Australia's Liberal Party? Yes, I am. But it's with good reason. I'll get to it.

As the Federal Election draws closer, I am astounded at the bizarre turn that Australian politics has taken.

There is nothing new in politicians lying. As the joke goes, you know when they're lying because their lips are moving. There's nothing new about them blasting their opponents and talking up themselves. What is new and can surely have failed to go unnoticed by most people is the rabid ranting and shouting and the attitude of disrespect that until now had been a characteristic mainly of American politics. It is noteworthy that this kind of talk seems always to come from the right wing extreme.

They do this because they know their own policies are actually bad for the populace of the nation (hence they don't mention them to much). Abbott is striking out for the Bloke Vote, comments about the sex appeal of one of his candidates etc. And when he asks if Kevin Rudd won't shut up, it's because he's got nothing else to say himself.And it really bothers me that people can be manipulated this easily.

Well, I guess that's a result of our education system (right wing always hates education), the blithering rubbish that clogs up our TV screens, the Murdoch media which seems to have extended its control to those outlets it doesn't own, somehow, the rabid rantings of our poor billionaires who've suffered so much at the hands of the Labor government, and the willingness of the public to actually believe that the Liberal Party and their toadying lackeys the Nationals actually care about the nation or anything other than their own personal interests.

Come on people! Wake up!

Now I personally don't like Rudd. I think he is a clumsy fool with ego-issues. He started out well in the early days, but he's got no long-term range. I liked Gillard a lot better, because she was actually trying to do things to help the country. However, her stance on gay marriage and refugees was appalling. Still, at least she didn't try to deprive genuine refugees of the right to settle here.

But here's also the main difference between Gillard and Abbott (and Rudd). She was prepared to put her career on the line for the nation. Abbott, on the other hand, is prepared to put the nation on the line for his career.

Now, do you know what the major parties policies are? What they intend to do post-election? It is mainly a popularity contest, so policies aren't important. But just so you know, a vote for the Coalition is a vote for Rupert Murdoch, Gina Rinehart, and all the suffering filthy rich. Your job will be to pay their taxes for them. And a vote for Labor is a vote for...well, I don't know anymore.

I certainly think that the Greens are a reasonable alternative for placing you vote. You can choose your preference afterwards. I think that a hung parliament with minor parties holding the balance of power in the senate is ideal. It will force negotiation, bring differing perspectives to the table and be truer to what is supposed to be democracy. It will filter the worst elements of the major parties, thereby softening the blow of legislation.

Governments should be handled with caution - they can be dangerous if allowed to get out of control. And I think that the more someone wants power, the more they should not be allowed to have it.